Topaz SmartSchool-Front CMS

  • About Front CMS

    This module is used to add menu, page, event, media manager in smart school .Front CMS module workflow- First we will add menu and menu items, pages, banner images, event, gallery, news and media manag...
  • How to add menus

    To add menu, go to Front CMS > Menus, here by default two menus are given (Main menu, Bottom Menu) then enter Menu and Description&...
  • How to upload file in Media Manager

    To upload file, go to Front CMS > Media Manager then Choose or drag file in the Upload Your File option then enter ...
  • How to add pages

    To add pages, go to Front CMS > Pages then click on Add button present at top right corner in page list page, then enter the page Title,...
  • How to add Event

    To add event, go to Front CMS > Event click on Add button present at top right corner in the event list page, then enter event T...
  • How to add Gallery

    To add gallery, go to Front CMS > Gallery click on Add button present at top right corner in the gallery list page, at click of this button ...
  • How to Add News

    To add news, go to Front CMS > News then click on Add button present at top right corner in the news list page, then enter news ...
  • How to add Banner Images

    To add banner image, go to Front CMS > Banner Images then click on Add button present at top right corner in the Banner Images...
  • Front CMS

    About front CMS Click to read more... How to add menus ...
  • Admin Panel-Front Office

    Front Office This module has 7 sections - Admission Enquiry Visitor Book Phone call Log Postal Dispatch Postal Receive Complain...