
  1. About Library Click to
  2. How to Add Books Click to read more..
  3. How to Add Student as Library Member Click to read more...
  4. How to Add Staff Member as Library member Click to read more...
  5. How to Issue/Return Books Click to read more
  6. How to check Book Issue Report Click to read more...
  7. How to check Book Due Report Click to read more..
  8. How to check Book Inventory Report Click to read more..
  9. How to check Book Issue Return Report Click to read more..
  10. How student can view Book list Click to read more..
  11. How student can view Issued Book list Click to read more..

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  • About Library

    Library Module is used to provide another space for students to learn and encourage students to read. School libraries help students to find the infor...

  • How to Add Books

    To add book in Book List, go to Library > Book List then click on Add Book button present at top right corner of the book list ...

  • How to Add Student as Library Member

    To add student as Library Member, go to Library > Add student then select the Class and Section and then click on the...

  • How to Add Staff Member as Library member

    To add staff member as Library Member, go to Library > Add Staff Member after that to search specific member enter the staff name and cli...

  • How to Issue/Return Books

    To Issue and Return the books, go to Library > Issue Return. Here search the student by entering Member Id, Library Card No or&...