About Fees Collection

In the Fees Collection module, you can effortlessly manage student Fees Collection and maintain fees related data. Fees Master is created session wise so you need to enter Fees Master data for every session. In this model, we collect the fees, adjust the fee discount and see the fees collected by the student from the payment id.

Fees collection module workflow:- First we will configure the Fees Type, Fees Group, Fees Master and Fees Reminder and prepare our fees structure for the current session and then we will collect fees of the students then we will search fees payment and search due fees and check all reports and Students can also look for details of fees and can pay fees.

We will create fees structure in smart school by using, Fees Type (under fees type we collect different types of fees by the school like Admission Fees, Months wise Fees, Uniform Fees, Exam fees, Library Fees, Sports Fees, Transport Fees etc.). Fees Group (we use fee groups to create different types of groups.) You can then allocate / allocate this fee group to the entire class-section or a particular student. You can create a fee group as an instalment.

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