Topaz SmartSchool Mobile App Setup and Configuration

Procedures for setting up the Topaz SmartSchool Mobile App after installing the Apk.

  1. Input the URL for the application which is Click this link to see an example
  2. After entering the URL, click Submit to continue.
  3. The next screen requires you to enter the username and password of the student login or Parent login credentials. Click this link to see an example
  4. If you get an error message that says "unable to get response from API", Click this link to see error screen it's because the student being logged in through the Mobile App is not part of the Academic Session Setup in the General Setup. You will need to change the Academic Session through the System Settings-->General Settings.
  5. To login as an Admin using the Mobile App, use the Admin Link in the Lower Right Bottom Corner..Click this link to see example.
  6. After clicking the Admin Link in 5 above, the following screen will be displayed. Enter the Admin User Name and Password in order to login . Click this link to view an example screen.

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