
  1. About Certificates Click to read more..
  2. How to Add Student Certificate Click to
  3. How to generate Certificate Click to read more..
  4. How to Add Student ID Card Click to read more...
  5. How to generate ID Card Click to read more..

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  • About Certificate

    Certificate is a document that certifies that a person has received specific education or has passed a test or series of tests. Certificate Modul...

  • How to Add Student Certificate

    To add student certificate, go to Certificate > Student Certificate then enter Certificate Name (certificate name is only for c...

  • How to generate Certificate

    To generate certificate, go to Certificate > Generate Certificate then select Class, Section and Certificate and then...

  • How to Add Student ID Card

    To add student ID card, go to Certificate > Student ID Card then fill all entries Background Image, Logo, Signature (principal ...

  • How to generate ID Card

    To generate ID card, go to Certificate > Generate ID Card then select Class, Section and ID Card and then click on...