About Zoom Live Classes

Zoom live class module uses https://zoom.us meetings service to create live classes for students and live meetings for staff members. In this module teacher or authorized person can create live classes for students based on timetable period and further students can join this class from student panel. Any authorized staff can create staff meetings and concerning staff can join this meetings. To use this module user must have installed zoom app in their device. In Smart School Zoom Live Class module only creates Classes and Meetings using zoom API and users can start or join these classes or meetings further all processing and management done by https://zoom.us. If you are using Zoom paid account (like 10 host license) then you should create each host user zoom API credential and add it to Smart School Zoom Live Class in Add Credential option present in teacher account. As Zoom doesn't provide simultaneously multiple Live Class start feature for single host even you are using zoom paid account so you should create multiple host account in zoom to run multiple simultaneous Live Classes started by each host.

Zoom Live Class Module Workflow: First we will add zoom account api credentials in setting page, then we will create zoom live class or meeting then we can start live class or meeting then student can join live class or staff can  join meeting further we can check join report for live class or meeting.

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